Last updated: 26.07.2016
1. Earning Qantas Points
Qantas Frequent Flyer members can earn Bonus Qantas Points through ingogo. Qantas Frequent Flyers earn 250 Qantas Points for their first trip, a further 250 Qantas Points for their second trip, a further 250 points for their third trip and a further 250 points on their fourth trip, on eligible taxi travel booked using the ingogo app. All subsequent trips will earn one Qantas Point per AU$1 spent on eligible taxi travel booked using the ingogo app. Eligible taxi travel includes GST, toll and all other costs included in the fare, but excludes cancellation fees, payments that are reversed or refunded, booked trips that are not completed, payments which are suspected or deemed by ingogo to be fraudulent and may exclude (at ingogo’s discretion) any amount for which you have been provided with credit by ingogo or which has been subsidised by ingogo in any way (in whole or in part). Please allow up to 60 days for Qantas Points to be credited to your Qantas Frequent Flyer account. Qantas Points will be earned based on spend rounded down to the nearest dollar and can only be earned on eligible taxi travel after your Qantas Frequent Flyer number has been linked to your ingogo user account (“ingogo Account”).
2. Taxation Implications
You are responsible and liable for any taxation implications relating to earning Qantas Points through the ingogo app. ingogo recommends you seek independent taxation advice in respect of the possible taxation and fringe benefits taxation consequences arising from earning Qantas Points through the ingogo app.
3. Privacy and Consents
ingogo respects your privacy. We collect, store and use your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and all other applicable privacy laws. It is a condition of holding an ingogo Account that you consent to:
(i) ingogo using your personal information for the purposes described in its privacy policy.
(ii) ingogo exchanging, collecting and using personal information relating to your ingogo Account, including your name, email address, mobile number and Qantas Frequent Flyer number, for the purposes of earning Qantas Points with ingogo.
If you do not provide personal information, or do not consent to these terms, you will not be able to earn Qantas Points with ingogo. You may access or correct your personal information held by ingogo, or make a complaint about its privacy practices, as described in the ingogo Privacy Policy.
4. No Liability
(a) Subject to its obligations under law, in particular consumer guarantees in the Australian Consumer Law (and other similar consumer protections) that cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, ingogo will incur no liability to you in relation to any loss, damage, costs or expenses suffered or incurred by you as a result of:
(i) the suspension and/or termination of your ingogo Account;
(ii) the ability or inability for ingogo Account holders to earn Qantas Points; or
(iii) the operation of the Qantas Frequent Flyer Program (including the redemption of Points).
(b) If you are a member of the Qantas Frequent Flyer Program you may be able to redeem your Qantas Points for Awards and Rewards under the Qantas Frequent Flyer Program. ingogo is not the supplier to you of these Awards and Rewards. The terms for supply of Awards and Rewards are the Qantas Frequent Flyer Program Terms and Conditions, available at, not these Terms and Conditions or any other ingogo terms.
5. Changes to these Terms and Conditions
The Qantas Points earn rate is determined by Qantas and ingogo and may change at any time. ingogo reserves the right to change, suspend or terminate these Terms and Conditions at any time. Where we change these Terms and Conditions, or any benefits under these Terms and Conditions, an updated copy of these Terms and Conditions will be available on the ingogo website or through the ingogo app. You should regularly check for updates to the Terms and Conditions.
ingogo is all about a fair go for all. As a technology company, ingogo puts passengers in direct contact with licensed taxi drivers and provides a payment platform that is more transparent and fairer for all. ingogo is the app for ALL taxi operators in all major Australian cities.
Our ability to integrate seamlessly with the leading business expense management systems has helped hundreds of Australian businesses big and small save thousands of dollars on their taxi travel. It's no wonder we're Australia's fastest growing taxi app.
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